Thursday, February 28, 2019

BEAT YOUR PTSD - 1. What is NLP & 2. How & Why it works for PTSD

                 BLOG #2 – WHAT IS NLP & HOW/WHY IT WORKS FOR PTSD

This is an overview of the help I can provide to PTSD Sufferers. NLP has a very effective technique to help/cure PTSD.


NLP refers to the ways our Brains process information - namely Language, our 5 Senses and “Gut Instinct” – and that many of our thoughts, reactions & behaviour patterns are programmed “into” our brains and just “run” (like computer software). NLP contends that many of these can be programmed “out” to be replaced by new and more helpful thoughts, reactions and behaviour patterns which are programmed “in”. Think of your brain as a computer and sometimes there’s a software glitch, so you just remove the corrupted file, replace & reboot.

It's "a set of tools proven to increase personal effectiveness” (Robbie Steinhouse – Master NLP Coach). It is the gateway to the reprogramming of the mind and to quote Gregory Bateson “… is the key to the difference that makes the difference…”


Unlike the more traditional therapies, NLP does not seek to get you to relive the “traumatic event” in detail other than very briefly right at start (no more than 2-3 minutes) to put things into context. It focuses on the present and how you use those memories now, and, if they are painful (as they often are), the technique seeks to break pattern of current use and 
change it – “changing the disc” as it were.

Developed in the USA in the early 1980s, NLP has evolved over the years. It is supported by anecdotal reports by practitioners covering a period of over 30 years. Among these are reports provided by Richard Bandler, Steve Andreas, Robert Dilts & William McDowell who have each treated 1000’s of Clients suffering from PTSD & phobic conditions who have experienced complete symptom alleviation and long-term results.


It has been proven to be an effective approach specifically through a technique aimed at the extinction of PTSD. It enables you to reprogram your brain’s response to the original experience by separating the mental pictures and their associated feelings so that irrational fear and behaviour in specific contexts are no longer triggered. It’s a simple and effective process that works by discovering traumatic event which caused the issue and then you distance your current self from it and thus “unlearn” it. Its reprogramming effect integrates new perspectives that result in your brain no longer triggering an unnecessary activation of “fight or flight” reaction. We “briefly re-awaken a memory to then modify it”. 


My aim is to create Order from Disorder and give you the means to consign trauma to where it no longer shapes/affects your day to day life. This is done over 3-4 sessions. I will also provide you with a Self-Help Toolkit as well as a really great Meditation Exercise (Organ Correspondence) which is super-helpful and takes no time at all. It may sound a bit "woo", but as a practical straight-talking Yorkshireman, I can assure you, it isn't!

The technique involves taking you through the “17 Question PTSD (Military) Checklist” to establish how you are using your memories now of the “traumatic event” and to establish a “baseline” position as to the extent of your PTSD. Detailed notes to personalise the context are taken and you then give the “traumatic event” a bland and disassociated name.

An important part of the process is “changing the disc”. You do this by bringing a very pleasant and positive experience to mind – which you describe in a lot of detail using all 5 Senses. You then give the experience a memorable and upbeat name. I then get your permission to touch your hand and explain that every time I touch your hand with my finger, I effectively “anchor” that pleasant and positive experience into your mind. It also enables me (and later, you) to fire that anchor any and every time you experience painful or distressing or negative thoughts arising from the “traumatic event”.

It’s a “trip to the Cinema” where you maintain a position of looking at yourself watch yourself on the screen and then run the memory backwards fast which has effect of scrambling meaning associated with the memory. It makes the unbearable bearable and makes whatever is on screen easier to watch because you are not looking directly at screen. This safe and relaxed state helps us in guiding you to reprocess the traumatic memory so that you can update the meaning that your unconscious mind equates with that experience in the present time. 


What I am saying is that NLP is an effective, speedy and low-cost technique in the right conditions which does not re-traumatise you and provides a lasting and effective cure. The  "Self-Help Toolkit" and Meditation Exercise are also important elements to recovery.
   1. It’s a technique which is proven to work safely and quickly
   2.  Self-help element enables you to “buy into” your own recovery – good for self-esteem
   3.  It helps You the sufferer, your family, and the wider community
   4.  Fewer sessions = quicker recovery and less cost to You/Mental Health Services 


My next Blog Post will highlight a Case Study provided by Dr William McDowell PhD (Professor Emeritus & Chair of Counselling at Marshall University in Huntington West Virginia) on a 30-year old Iraq War veteran diagnosed by the US Veterans’ Association as suffering from PTSD - an utterly remarkable testimony to the efficacy of the NLP technique.